Academic Petitions

The petition process is provided for students with extreme hardships or extenuating circumstances. Examples of this include calls to military service, severe health issues, or a death in the family. Please be mindful that supporting documents will be required.

Students are expected to be familiar with and conform to the regulations of the university. An academic petition may be filed when a particular academic requirement or regulation causes undue hardship. Please note that this process does not concern itself with grievances against instructors (see University Regulation 4.001 for Honor Code, Academic Irregularities, and Student's Academic Grievances at nor does it act on any financial matters, including refunds for dropped classes or withdrawals (see Fee Petitions and Other Petitions in the university catalog). The procedures to file an academic petition can be found in the university catalog, and at the first link below.

Please note that if you have been dismissed from the university, you are not permitted to take classes for one year before you can file for reinstatement.

If you have questions or would like to obtain petition documents, please contact the Division of Engineering Student Services and Advising (DESSA) office at 561.297.2790 or